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Bravo to Sherman Marek, the lawyer who is taking on resident training, the indentured servant system in today’s medical establishment. . . Sleep-deprived residents provide nearly free labor. . . but at a great cost to themselves. . . Both patients and resident doctors deserve better

– Letter to the Editor, New York Times

At the Marek Law Office, we investigate, develop and pursue major federal lawsuits nationwide. Our philosophy is that success arises from carefully investigating facts, thoughtfully applying the law, and steadfastly pursuing our clients’ goals.
If you have been directed to us, you may have potentially significant legal claims or information important to such claims. In today’s world of highly sophisticated laws and frequently concealed wrongdoing, it is not always clear when you have claims or available legal remedies. Of course, you pay nothing unless we recover money for you.
The complicated, expensive, sweeping and prolonged nature of major lawsuits today is frequently beyond the ability of anyone law firm acting alone. The traditional approach is outdated and most individual firms are unable to rely solely on their own limited funds, generalized knowledge of the law, and localized operations.
At the Marek Law Office, we select and recruit other law firms nationwide to assemble the right combination of resources, expertise, locations, and relationships necessary to meet the unique needs of each case. We have worked with many leading firms, including Williams Montgomery, Clifford Law Offices, and Much Shelist in Chicago; Milberg in New York; Cohen Milstein and Cooper & Kirk in Washington, DC; Lieff Cabraser in San Francisco; Keller Rohrback in Seattle; and others including firms in New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Denver, Albuquerque, and San Diego. This approach maximizes our clients’ likelihood of success.

Let’s Work Together